Bryan, I received this email 2 days ago. I do not know the sender:

Ryan <rdwhitaker07@protonmail.com>

Fri, Jul 5, 10:16 PM (2 days ago)

to me

Hello Dan,

I was exploring the podcast "The Wright Report" and came across the site of your private feed. I am trying to contact Mr. Wright about a job opening listed in LinkedIn. Their application process is very limited and I want to include more background about myself, reasons why I would be an excellent choice for the position of Podcast Scriptwriter.

Are you associated with the podcast in any way? Can you pass information to Mr. Wright for me?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Ryan Whitaker

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Thanks for highlighting!

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Bryan, I hope this contact didn't have anything to do with your hack. I have not communicated back with him.

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Jul 5Liked by The Wright Report

Bryan thank you for the story again. I love hearing you tell it with so much passion. I feel your love for our country through it. Hugh Redmond unfortunately paid such a high price one that all Americans should be willing to do but unfortunately won't. Thank you again for all you do and have done!!

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Jul 5Liked by The Wright Report

Wonderful episode. Horrible what they’ve done to our youth. And all so they can’t learn our history.

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Excellent podcast. Thank you for telling us Hugh Redmond’s story. It moved me to tears as I considered all he suffered for our country. These are the true heroes that should be celebrated. I grew up during the Vietnam war. Friends were not the same when they came home and the disgrace of so many in this nation who treated our vets with disdain still infuriates me. I’m praying this election will be the beginning of moving things back in the right direction. 🇺🇸

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Jul 5Liked by The Wright Report

Bryan, thank you so much for your inspiration today with that story, on our very special holiday! My dad was also in Battle of the Bulge, then came home to marry my mom in 1946 and joined his dad, Swedish Grandpa Carl, in their construction biz in western WA state. I can’t imagine the sacrifices so many have made for our freedom. I have never missed a podcast of yours although I’ve been a bit absent from comments here due to all my trips to WSU for aussie Rubie’s cancer treatments for a whole year since June 2023. There was really no quit in that girl. Sadly, she crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 1 after a mighty battle with her amazing oncology team there. You can’t imagine how much we miss her, but we have two other fur bumpkins (and the horses) to keep us on the straight and narrow, and they’re getting the love and attention they really need. Not everyone knows about The Palouse wheatlands I enjoyed on my route to WA State Univ, all those trips, but I’m pretty sure you do, Bryan. Did you hear they are planning (fighting) a wind turbine farm there to ruin all that incredible landscape of rolling green and golden hills? It’s an abomination. I can’t bear to imagine it. Thank you for all you do for us, so many late nights, I know. I love your Tribe. There are so many intelligent people here who bring so much to the table. Happy Independence Day - let’s keep our Republic! May God Help Us! ❤️🇺🇸. xoLynnea

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Jul 5Liked by The Wright Report

Great episode. Thank you for the inspiring story.

As for Pride in the US. I’m a USN vet and in awe of our founding fathers. I’m not sure I’m proud of our country. Our government suppresses our speech. The Justice department is weaponized against its citizens. Our education and science sectors are ideologically compromised. I’m don’t respect what the US is now.

Will I take your advice to leave? No. I’m a bit stubborn and will take Dylan Thomas’s advice. I will not gently go into that good night.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 5Liked by The Wright Report

Thank you, Bryan, for sharing this story of Hugh Redmond’s love, loyalty and sacrifice to our great country for which he gave his very life.

Bless you, your family, and your dedication to Country through your work - past, present and future - on this Independence Day! 🇺🇸

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

"We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Happy Independence Day!

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

Excellent tribute and remembrance of Hugh Redmond.

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A black market network is evading Biden administration sanctions and delivering high-tech chips to China, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. Biden administration’s restrictions allow Nvidia to sell chips to third-party suppliers inside countries like Taiwan or Singapore, but not China. The wrinkle is these countries don’t adhere to the administration’s restrictions. Worse, it typically is not a violation of law if chips from those countries are resold and delivered to China. What the Biden administration has is a political talking point... not national security action. What is the difference?

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

🇺🇸Long May she wave!

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

Tribe, please join me in taking time to acknowledge Steph, most of us know about Bryans 14–16-hour workdays but he would have even more to do without Steph. She is behind the scenes giving Bryan the freedom to display his talents and to support him. Thank you, Steph, for allowing him to display his incredible talents and be an inspiration to all of us. Happy 4th of July to you!

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I agree, Steph is a huge asset. I’m glad Bryan appreciates her.

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She's awesome! I'm grateful to my sis. : )

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

We sometimes forget to thank the person working behind the scenes. Thank you Steph! Even though you are unseen you are not forgotten.

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

Yes! Much appreciation for you too Steph! Our 'behind the scenes' lady who helps TWR run smoothly!😊🇺🇸

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

My grandmother came to America in 1922 from Szollosardo a small village in northern Hungary. She came with her parents and sister. Her sister and parents left America to return to Hungary, but she stayed and raised a family who would have to sacrifice for the life that I enjoy today. Her husband left the family and moved to AZ, she had to send her children to an orphanage in PA until she would have enough money to support them. Finally, they came back home to Dayton Ohio. She tried sending money back to her family later in life, but the communist party would take the money and give her family a dollar or two, so she quit sending money to them. Her family wrote to her asking why you only send a dollar or two, it was then she understood what was going on. It was her and my mother's sacrifice that I can enjoy the greatest country in the world that I'm luckily enough to live in. Today is my favorite day of the year to enjoy the sacrifice of those women and all of our military to be here in the greatest country in the world.

I've been blinded in one eye at age 6, ink pen shot in my eye, I've had two kidney transplants, genetic disease on my father's side (PKD) one donated by my best friend whom we played baseball together and another person who donated to save my life. If I was born in Hungary, I might not have lived through any of these circumstances. Please don't feel sorry for me because I'm 60 years old, working 48 hours a week, mandatory unfortunately, great children and grandchildren. I didn't let my blind eye get in the way of playing sports or anything. If you work hard and practice you don't need two eyes, during a baseball game in Cincinnati at age 16 a Reds scout asked the coach my name because I pitched so well, our team finished second in the nation that year beating Atlanta, NY, only losing to Baltimore. I'm very thankful for our great country and the people like Bryan trying to get it back to being great. Happy Independance Day everyone!

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

Americans’ deep love for country, our patriotism used to be part of who we are. Perhaps more importantly it is a major reason for America’s success. But today in America there is an active movement to undermine patriotism in our schools. Our leftist educational establishment is bent on teaching our children to be ashamed of America, themselves for being American and for all that has come before.

There is no question patriotism is fading. In many places it’s disappearing altogether. You might say, so what? Why is this such a big deal? Patriotism is the glue that holds America together. To love America is to love the values it stands for. Above all, to love freedom; the value for which America, more than any country in history, has been known.

Freedom of speech, freedom to practice the religion of one’s choice and the freedom to pursue one’s own interest with a minimum of government interference. These are the values uniting Americans; not ethnicity, skin color, or anything else. These are the values that have made America a magnet for the world.

Freedom comes in equal parts responsibility and hard work. Freedom is sung about too often for the results it produces. But freedom is about the responsibility of a father to provide for family and contribute to community. Freedom is about mothers caring for their children and loving them whether they deserve it or not. Freedom is doing what is necessary to preserve the right to choose for those not yet with us. Freedom is the right and the duty to be grateful for all that we have and all who work with us to produce our abundance.

God bless America.

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Very well said! When I first became a teacher back in the dark ages, I taught Life's Skill courses in Middle and High School. This included something called values curriculum. The idea was that people were moving away from teaching this at home and the school system needed to fill that gap. This coincided with a decrease in families attending church and the breakdown in the nuclear family. After a few years this curriculum was discarded in favor of what became activist curriculum. It is impossible to be patriotic when the populous has no idea of the values (honesty, integrity, responsiblility) that made our country the best place in the world to live.

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

Happy Independence Day to all!! Enjoyed podcast and loved the story on Hugh Redmond, a true hero!

Went to Monticello a few weeks ago,recommend to all. Thomas Jefferson died on this day, however, on his tombstone is the thing he is proudest of being the author of The Declaration of Independence.

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

I don't know how you do it , Bryan you Always have an interesting show, heard about Hugh before, but I enjoyed it again it's very inspirational today, I'm afraid I've fallen out of love for my country, especially my State of CT. It stands for nothing but a rip off from politicians, an influx of nasty New Yorkers running from what they created and a flood of illegals, of course sanctioned by our own dirty Ned (governor) who kisses Dirty Joe's ass and his ring, ( not in that order) our country is not what I remember (I will be 76 the end of the month), I am now looking forward to going to a far away land to hopefully live out my life, South Carolina, nothing wrong with that state sure as hell sounds better than CT. Great show anyway

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Jul 4Liked by The Wright Report

Greenville County (Upstate) is fantastic and booming ... a great place in SC864.

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Wishing you all the best on your new adventure in South Carolina!

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